Mac Valley Stunts / Spectacular/Globe of Death


My name is Douglas Sepulveda Do Vale AKA
Douglas Mac Valley
Born in Sao Paulo/Brazil/1950.
Circus performer/stunt man, most know for presenting the Globe of Death /Motorcycle Stunt world wide.
I am resident in las Vegas/Nevada since 1975.
I also directed Stunts shows, Circus, and  Special Events around the world.
Today I am not performing much as my step son Bela tabak manages and own his Globe act and  productions, I still part of the industry when an oportunity occours, and serve as consultant for the entertainment indusry.
Most of my time now is dedicate for my ministry (Christian) please visit: for more information, thanks

1979/80 Victor Urias (cousin) and I introduced our Globe act to: Ringling Bros, Barnum and Bailey Circus/USA.
according to circus historian was the first Globe act to the "GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH", Victor remained with the Circus for another 10 years and back for seasons, Victor and I worked together 10 years in Mexico, Central America touring with Famous Circo Atayde and Carnivals and special events and  State fairs.
Victor Urias son: Erwin and Melvin rides and manage there act across the USA and aboard with a first class presention.

My father Panair Valley  born: 1922 in Brazil was one of the first Globe rider in Brazil, he learned it from Guido Concci the originator of the act in Brazil  and claimed to be of of the inventors of this stunts in Europe early 1990's. Guido arrived in Brazil early 30's, Panair has gained a great reputation to inovate the act and travelling around the world with  famous Circus Brazil in Asia/Africa/Americas and Europe, in some places was the first time crowds saw such stunts, and  inspired locals in the industry to build and presenting  this sensational Stunt.
Panair is a teacher of many young riders  include: Phil Jones , In Australia is now gain fame in his country to present the act.
Panair stay most of the time in the Pacific with frequently visit to Australia, Fiji and New Zealand, visiting friends and Christian know more about Panair please visit:  a movie documentary about the Globe act and Panair is in production from Cris Siqueira/ Brazilian tradition of Globo da Morte.

Out side view of the Globe in outdoors events
Globe size 14ft.diameter-breaks in 18 pieces to be trasported in in sea conatiner or small truck
One of our Globes Stunts with 3 Motorcycles.
precision stunt riding

What a job!

the globe break in 18 pieces to be transported on trailer, container or small trucks, weight: aprox.2 tons and is mounted on hidraulics weel base, can be easy move around after set-up.

Globe Of Death/Motorcycle Spectacular
Audiences are thrilled and stunned as they watch three daredevils flirt with death- bounding round inside a 14ft. steel-webbed globe on screaming motorcycles, zooming around upright, sideways and upside-down in gravity-defying loops at speeds up to 60 mph – missing each other by little more than the load roar of their monstrous machines. A truly family entertainment.

I have been in over 125 countries working or vacation and an

enthusiastic   in Arqueology, Exploration and bible rechearch

I have met wonderful people and cultures around the world and entered on Circus Hall of Fame 'ALL TIMES GREAT" Detroit/USA/1983.
Guest of Honor at 3rd Circus festival of Budapest/2000
and other participation in the entertainment industry, Thanks to God.

We are residents in Las Vegas/USA since 1975
when in Las Vegas you may visit: SPLASH/Riviera Hotel to see one of our act Alive ! since 1985.

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